Glass Machining

In oxidic glasses, both covalent and ionic bonds predominate. They generally dis­play strong polarisation, which also causes its characteristically brittle removal behaviour. Should material shifting lead to the fracture of these bonds, the struc­ture of glass is destroyed irreparably as opposed to metals, the free electrons of which can form new bonds.

Figure 4-18 shows a schematic depiction of the material behaviour of glasses during when penetrated by an abrasive cutting edge with increasing chip thick­ness. Until exceeding the critical chip thickness, which initiates micro-cracks, a ductile machining process is also realisable for these materials — despite their amorphous structure. The creation of damage-free external component areas is also possible for glasses by means of the machining mechanism.



Fig. 4-18. Possible removal mechanisms in the engagement of a grit with glass

It is assumed that highly negative cutting angle needs to be employed for duc­tile material removal in order to obtain a condition of hydrostatic compressive stress. Beyond that, several further measures are helpful in reducing individual chip thickness, such as:

• the use of smaller granulations,

• higher grain concentrations,

• low feed rates,

• low depths of cut,

• high cutting speeds (as long as thermal damage is avoided),

• high radial accuracy of the grinding wheel (the use of ultra-precision machines is required),

• an even envelope (no exposed grains) [KOCH91].

Updated: 24.03.2016 — 12:06