Rotationally Adjustable Tools

Tools are available called “Rotoheads” or Norton’s “U-dex-it” that are specifically designed so that the head can be rotated without loosening the tool in the holder. The diamond is centrally positioned in the holder to within 25 pm.

7.2.9 Profile Dressing Tools

Подпись: New Mid-life Blunt Worn, correctly used mistreated

For profiling applications, chisel-shaped tools with well-defined radii are used. These are used on profile dressing units such as Diaform, which were traditionally pantograph-based, although now more often use 2-axis computer numerical control (CNC) motion.

Rotationally Adjustable Tools

FIGURE 7.8 Diamond blades for Diaform wheel traverse profiling.

Updated: 24.03.2016 — 12:02