Multi Layer Bonded Tools

Grinding wheel bodies of steel are manufactured with high dimensional quality and can easily be re-plated or re-layered. In multi-layer tools, the old abrasive layer is removed by etching of the adhesives that connect abrasive layer and body with chemical baths. A steel body can be reused up to six times [MARI07, p. 107]. Wheel bodies of resin, however, are more often disposed than re-layered. Effenberger [EFFE01] invented a grinding disc with a releasable abrasive layer, which can be disposed separately. Other Abrasive Processes

In abrasive blasting operations, magnetic separation, rotary brooms, or mechanical conveyors can recover grits [DREN97]. Several methods are able to recover grits from coated abrasive tools depending on the bond type [ANSI84]. The recovery is, however, mostly applied for grading and quality control. The abrasive sludge from glass processing is composed of SiO2 and Al2O3 from the abrasive grits and can be reutilized as cement mixture [KWON03].

Updated: 24.03.2016 — 11:54