
Lapping is a mainly room-bound process with geometrically undefined cutting edges. It is defined as a cutting process with loose grits distributed in a fluid or paste, so called lapping slurry, guided by a counterpart, which is usually shape-transferring (also called lapping tool). The cutting paths of the individual grits are ideally undirected [KLOC09, p. 338]. Effective mechanisms are complex and assumed to be a superposition of chip formation, micro-grooving, and brittle machining by micro-cracks and particle break-out [KLOC05a, p. 384 f.].

Known process variants are planar lapping with fixed or freely moving work­pieces, external or internal cylindrical lapping, profile lapping and ultrasonic lap­ping amongst others. Karpuschewski [KARP01, p. 173 ff.] summarizes sensors for lapping operations.

4.5.1 Abrasives for Lapping

Common abrasives for lapping processes include silicon carbide, corundum, boron carbide (B4C), and diamond [KLOC05a, p. 394, STAD62, p. 24]. Boron nitride (B4N) is used for lapping of carbides [MARI04, p. 394]. Regular grit dimensions are as follows [MARI04, p. 442]:

• Silicon carbide and corundum: 5-1 ^

• Boron carbide: 60-5 цm

• Diamond: 5-0.5 ^

• Chromium oxide: 2-1 ^

Diamond slurrys are designed so that even coarse grits remain homogeneously dispersed in the fluid. The abrasives will not settle out, even if the slurry binder has a low viscosity [KLOC05a, p. 393]. Conventional abrasives are continually fed onto the lapping plate to restore broken down particles. Recharge of diamond grits occurs less frequently [DAVI74].

In abrasive processes with loose abrasives, shape, grit size, size distribution, and grit breakdown characteristics are important variables for process control [DAVI74]. As for grit shape, blocky isometric grits are considered the best, because they lie between the extremes, sphere and needle [DAVI74]. Spherical grits tend to roll between lapping plate and workpiece instead of performing machining action; Needle particles, in contrary, can cause deep scratches. The presence of a few oversized abrasive grits can result in serious workpiece damage [DAVI74].

Updated: 24.03.2016 — 11:54