Рубрика: Manufacturing Processes 2

Fillers and Additives

Besides the basic materials described above, the bonds of abrasive tools occasion­ally contain a number of additives. These are, on the one hand, necessary for the manufacturing process of the tools, and, on the other, help to create specifically defined grinding properties. Fillers contained in the matrix of grinding wheels bonded with synthetic resin can […]

The Seal

A large amount of tools with abrasives on a backing material are turned into end­less loop belts so that a bond location, called a seal, becomes necessary. Great demands are placed on the tear strength of the seal area, especially at high chip removal rates. Synthetic resin adhesives and improved adhesive tech­nologies permit large chip […]

Aqueous Solutions

Aqueous solutions used for grinding purposes consist, like oil-in-water emulsions, of over 90 % water. The concentrate is devoid of mineral oil, consisting, for ex­ample, of polymers or salts [MANG76]. No emulsifiers are required to obtain a fine and even distribution of the concentrate, as the latter is dissolved molecularly, as is the case in […]

Dressing Variables and Effective Mechanisms — The Influence of Tool Preparation on the Grinding Process

The topography of the grinding wheel after tool preparation largely influences its cutting properties and thus its behaviour during the process as well as the output. By means of a precise guidance of tool preparation, the grinding wheel surface can be adjusted to the given requirements. For example, producing a rough topography is always recommendable […]

Centreless Throughfeed Grinding (Centreless External Cylindrical Peripheral Longitudinal Grinding)

In centreless external cylindrical peripheral longitudinal grinding, there is a larger number of parameters, as can be seen in Fig. 6-56. The workpiece can sometimes have cranks of smaller diameters that are not to be ground and is characterised by the main dimensions and stock allowance z. To reduce the workpiece stock allowance, the grinding […]

Grit and Bond Wear

Not only the workpiece, but also the tool is subjected to high temperatures and pressures in the contact zone. The result of this is microscopic wear in the grit and the bond (Fig. 2-12). Grit wear begins in the crystalline layers lying near the surface of the grit. Ex­treme pressures and temperatures initiate oxidation and […]

Tool Structure and Designation

According to DIN 69 111, grinding components with bonded abrasives are com­prised of straight, conical, and reduced grinding wheels, abrasive cutting discs, grinding wheels affixed to support discs, cup grinding wheels, bent grinding wheels, grinding segments, mounted points, honing stones and oil stones (Fig. 3­10). Ignoring form and dimensions, all of these types exhibit the […]

Grinding Nickel-Based Materials

4.6.1 Construction and Structure The specific properties of these materials, adapted to the respective field of appli­cation, are essentially contingent on chemical composition, possible cold forming and the heat treatment method. Corresponding to their most important alloying elements, nickel-based alloys can be subdivided into the following main groups [DIN42, DIN43, DIN44, DIN45, EVER71]: I. nickel-copper […]