Рубрика: The History of Grinding

John Van Nostrand Dorr

Born in New Jersey in 1872, John Van Nostrand Dorr started work as a laboratory assis­tant in Thomas Edison’s laboratory in Orange, New Jersey, at the age of 16. At the time Edison had become heavily involved in mining and processing low-grade magnetite ores. Thinking that the iron ore deposits in the eastern United States […]


As the world’s population and its demand for minerals continued to grow, it became nec­essary to devise a machine that could crush abrasive ores to small sizes at higher rates and that could be driven using a renewable power source. Enter the stamp mill. Although water-driven trip hammers had been used in China for crushing […]

Roller Mills

Roller mills were used in China in the 2nd century for grinding the red mineral cinnabar to a vermillion pigment (Figure 6.1) and for grinding grains for cereal (Figure 6.2), and they are still used for these purposes today (Figure 6.3). In 1449, Pietro Speciale was credited with the development of a three-roller mill in […]

The Growth of SAG Milling

By 1960, autogenous grinding had become reality. Aerofall Mills Ltd. and the Hardinge Company had sold 50 mills worldwide; Dorbyl in South Africa and Allis-Chalmers in the United States had started manufacturing them; and Morgardshammar in Sweden and Tyazhmash in Russia would begin manufacturing them soon. The road had been long and difficult, but the […]

Modeling Blasting Processes

Blasting is a complex process and many variables are involved. Consequently, a model of blasting that predicts fragmentation accurately is necessary to optimize total size-reduction systems. The first theory of blasting was proposed in 1792 and a model based on it was used to design blasts (Drinker 1888), but its objectives, details, and how well […]

The History of Grinding

Copyright © 2005 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration.All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009. During our professional careers, we placed our principal emphasis on understanding the role and use of energy in size reduction, particularly in the areas of crushing and grind­ing minerals, the use of simulation for crushing and grinding circuits […]

Eli Whitney Blake

Eli Whitney Blake was a member of a leading family of industrialists in New Haven, Con­necticut, which had a tradition of invention and entrepreneurship. The family’s main business was the manufacture of arms, but family members participated in civic affairs and assisted in planning the development and servicing of the city. Genetics may have been […]