DRESSING INFEED SYSTEMS 15.18.1 Introduction

The key to any infeed system is high stiffness and damping, repeatability, and ease of mainte­nance. The units described below (Courtesy Wheel Dressing Division of Saint-Gobain Abrasives) have proven effective over numerous years in the field. There are a variety of designs combining dresser spindle units and infeed systems varying according to the application and particular features required for the particular application. The following range is described in chronological order from older hydraulic-mechanical compensator designs through dc stepper motors to direct- drive ac servos.

DRESSING INFEED SYSTEMS 15.18.1 Introduction

FIGURE 15.46 DC brushless servoelectric drive dresser spindle.


15.18.2 Single Hydraulically Driven Carrier


Figure 15.48 shows a single hydraulically oil-lubricated, roundway infeed carrier with mechanical compensation for plunge roll dressing conventional wheels on small cylindrical grinders. Chromed hardened-steel roundways allow more efficient guarding from coolant and abrasive ingression. They also provide excellent damping characteristics. The example shown is equipped with a DFW-HO hydraulic spindle.

DRESSING INFEED SYSTEMS 15.18.1 Introduction


DRESSING INFEED SYSTEMS 15.18.1 Introduction

FIGURE 15.48 Single-barrel hydraulic-driven infeed system.

Updated: 24.03.2016 — 12:02