Grit size and grit size distribution affects tool manufacturing and tool use (see Sect. 2.8.1 “Grit Size”). Therefore, these grit characteristics provide a good case study on sustainability [LINK12c]. Grit size can be controlled by different standardized methods, such as sieving and sedimentation (Sect. 2.9.1 “Grit Size Selection”). The user might want to consider the […]
Рубрика: Life Cycle and Sustainability of Abrasive Tools
Labelling and Customer Information
Labelling is important for the consumer to decide if a product is green. Customers are more likely to buy environmentally friendly products if they know about those attributes in the use phase which are both environmentally friendly and of high quality [ABEL05, p. 173]. 9.2 Conclusion on Abrasive Tool Sustainability Global trends on raw material […]
Life Cycle and Sustainability of Abrasive Tools
This thesis was written mainly during my time as postdoc researcher at the Werkzeugmaschinenlabor (WZL) at the RWTH Aachen University, and at the Laboratory for Manufacturing and Sustainability (LMAS) at the University of California Berkeley. The research on the life cycle engineering of abrasive tools was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) […]
Diamond density is about 3.52 g/cm3 depending on pureness. Diamond hardness and toughness are determined by crystal purity, regardless of size, shape, and genesis [BENE03]. The hardness of single crystal diamond is anisotropic depending on the crystal orientation (Fig. 2.16). This results from the different distances of the carbon atoms in different crystal planes. The […]
Toughness, Breaking Behavior
Today, grits are available in a large range of toughness suitable for many applications [MARI04, p. 347]. Hard and friable abrasives are generally applied in precision grinding, whereas tough, large grits are more suitable for heavy-duty grinding [MALK08]. Grit types for resin bonds are usually more friable than for bronze bonding [BUTT68, p. 73]. Toughness […]
Bonding Systems
After thousands of years of manual grinding with stones, the first synthetic grinding tools were known in the beginning of the 19th century. [COLL88, p. 894] The grit material performs the main abrasive cutting action and has been discussed in the previous chapter. However, grits alone cannot maintain a sustainable process with sufficient workpiece quality. […]
Manufacturing of Metallic Bonds by Infiltration
Metallic bonding by infiltration is used mainly for dressing rollers and special applications [KLOC09]. Infiltrated bonds are also used for superhard honing sticks (bronze, Co-bonding), stone drilling crowns, or saws. Grits, bond, and fillers are either mixed and filled into the die or the grits are fixed first onto the bottom of the die form […]
Coated Abrasive Tools
Coated abrasive tools are composed of abrasive grits that are held by a bond on backing material (Fig. 4.4). Coated abrasive tools are belts, pads, or discs. Abrasive discs are used for preparing car bodies before painting [BORK92, p. 42 ff.]. Deburring, roughing, and finishing are important operations with coated tools in the metal grinding […]
Conclusion and Sustainability Model for Tool End of Life
In general, the recycling or re-use of grinding tool components takes place in very few instances, although it is technically feasible in many cases. The reason lies in cost considerations. Today, the costs of recycling and re-use are higher than the benefits. This might change in the future because the decision is volatile and depends […]
Further Analyses
Ceramographic material analysis helps to understand and qualify the grinding wheel structure by picture analysis [KLOM86, LINE92]. However, samples from the abrasive layer have to be cut and prepared by embedding and polishing. Additional element analyses unveil material composition and chemical reactions during the tool production process [LINE92, p. 39 f.]. Back pressure is a […]