Рубрика: Life Cycle and Sustainability of Abrasive Tools

Measuring, Replicating and Modeling of the Tool Topography

Already in 1936, Goedecke emphasized that the process performance of a grinding tool depends strongly on the spacial distribution of the cutting edges [GOED36, EVER06, p. 383]. Several methods to measure, replicate and model the tool topography exist. Karpuschewski summarizes sensors and methods for measuring the grinding tool microtopography [KARP01, p. 131 ff]. Tactile […]

Functional Requirement of Controlling Workpiece Surface Grooves

The workpiece surface profile is defined by the generated surface grooves. A small roughness band needs shallow grooves and small chip thicknesses (Figs. 7.22 and 7.19). Shallow grooves can only be generated when both groove bottom shape and wheel deflection are controlled. The groove bottom is shallow for grits with large cutting edge radius and […]

Slotted Tools

Slotted tools or so-called segmented tools consist of a discontinuous abrasive layer either with geometrically defined or undefined cavities [KIRC10, p. 9]. Grooves can be perpendicular to the wheel perimeter or inclined. The so-called T-Tool wheel consists of a metal bonded, segmented superabra­sive layer and can significantly reduce forces and temperatures in SiC grinding compared […]